Ten Reasons Why Engaged Employees Secure Your Company’s Existence

The Performance Management Revolution
2 min readSep 11, 2017


Work satisfaction is an old time term. Back in the days, satisfied manpower simply resulted in a smaller risk for strikes. Meanwhile, it has become clear that companies that don’t cultivate work satisfaction lose productivity and have higher staff costs. Therefore, engagement is key.

Your profitability could be better? Same goes for your productivity? You are stuck between a rock and a hard place with high fluctuation and your employees’ lack of focus — if they didn’t call in sick again? Your inventory shows negative numbers year in, year out? Your clients could be happier? And the quality of your products could be improved?

You could endlessly analyse your processes to find potential for improvement, implement more rigorous controls or swap your entire staff for more qualified manpower. Or, you could ask yourself how engaged your employees are. Because the engagement of your workforce could be the key to all the issues illustrated above.

Aren’t engaged employees and satisfied employees the same thing? Not quite: Satisfied employees merely have nothing to complain about — engaged employees do, on top of that, identify with the company and their place within it. They actively look for opportunities to play an active and creative role in its processes. They have enormous innovative power and are a never dwindling source of energy for a company’s productivity.

The research institute Gallup showed in a longitudinal measuring study that engaged employees affect these factors in favor of a company. Moreover, the study proved that it takes more than one motivated employee to compensate for a demotivated one. Numbers don’t lie:

While the results vary among different sectors and countries, one thing remains the same: in order to improve the employees’ engagement and benefit from it, a constructive communication culture and simple feedback channels are essential. Engagement is created when your employees are supported in their individual strengths, helping them to develop personally and embed their unique abilities into workflows.

QuercusApp wants to improve in-company feedback culture, in order for your company to achieve its full potential. Thanks to our cloud-based application, your employees can learn from each other and optimize their skills faster.

